Monday, February 29, 2016

Monday, February 29

Tomorrow is Treat Day, please send 25 cents for your child to purchase their treat.
On Thursday, March 2nd we are having Fun Lunch. Please sign up to volunteer as we  need 4 more volunteers.
We have new volunteer dates for you to sign up for. Please check our volunteer calendar.
Thursday, March 10th - Clay for Kids - 2 volunteers
Next week, I would like to start some 'Spring Art'. If you are available to volunteer please sign up on Monday, March 7, Wednesday March 9 or Friday March 11.
Over the next 2 weeks, I am planning on checking your child's Home Reading Levels. Your patience would be appreciated while I take the time to read with your son or daughter.

Google Meet - April 23rd

Hello Room 3, Reminder that we are having small group google meet meetings today, April 23rd. If you log into the Google Classroom, on t...