Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Tuesday,June 12 - Potatoes!

Today, we took our potatoes outside to see if we had any little potatoes, growing in our pots.
We did find some very tiny new potatoes growing on the roots. So we decided to replant some of the
potato plants with their roots intact. Just for good measure, we also planted a few more seed potatoes.
These potatoes are planted in the school garden by the sun circle. It will be interesting to return in
September, to find out how our plants and potatoes grew.
Snack and recess outside is very, very, exciting for Kindergarten. Today we were a bit late for music, so next recess we will work on lining up a bit quicker, and not forgetting our snack bags.
Tomorrow, Library Books are due. If you have any questions or concerns about your library books, please email Mrs. Kidd.  dckidd@cbe.ab.ca

Google Meet - April 23rd

Hello Room 3, Reminder that we are having small group google meet meetings today, April 23rd. If you log into the Google Classroom, on t...