Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Tuesday, March 22/Mathletics

Today, we had treat day. Everyone received a yummy treat.
For the month of March, tomorrow is our last day of classes.  On Thursday and Friday this week, there are no classes for students. March Break is next week, and our first day back is on Monday April 3. I hope you enjoy a fun and relaxing break.

Thank you for working on such incredible 100th Day of School projects. Tomorrow, we are planning on sending your child's project home.

In computer class, we are using a program called 'Mathletics'. This is an excellent program that would be very beneficial for your child's learning. 'Mathletics' is used by the grade 1 to 4 students in our school (I'm not too sure if the grade 5/6 classes use it). Therefore, it would be very helpful if you could practice logging on and utilizing this excellent, learning tool at home. If you have misplaced your child's password, please email me and I will email it to you. Or you can take a picture of your child's password card at school.
Additionally, a few parents have indicated that they are encountering difficulty in using this learning resource on their ipads. I spoke to Ms. Cowdy, our teacher tech support, and she suggested that you try the following link.

Please let me know if this link assists you in resolving this issue.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Thursday, March 16

Tomorrow, please remember to dress your child for the weather and melting snow.
FAF #18 will focus on 3D shapes both in the classroom and in Whispering Woods.
Friday, March 17 - St. Patricks Day - Wear something Green day.

·       On Mondays, please have your child bring in an object that begins with the letter of the week. In order to keep our ‘show and share’ of letter objects manageable please follow the following list:

o   March 20           Letter J Leander, Lily, Colin, Senna
o   March 27                  Spring Break Holiday – no letter of the week
o   April 3                        Letter ZIain, Gavin H., Ahmad, Elaina

o   April 10                     Letter W – Aksel, Yazmine, Josie, Taylor

Monday, March 13, 2017

Monday, March 13

Today, we discovered many words that begin with the letter 'Bb'.
Bumble Bee the Transformer
big black bat
Friday, March 17 - St. Patrick's Day - Please wear something Green

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Fresh Air Friday # 17

Please send your child to school with all of their snow clothes on. Weather permitting we are planning on going outside at 9:50 AM. Our weather is rather frigid, so if the weather continues to be -18 Celsius we will remain indoors. Our indoor garden is beginning to grow, so we have many different types of sprouts to study!
For our letter of the week sharing I may need to change it. Here is what I have scheduled so far.

o   March 13                  Letter B  - Ayaansh, Gavin B., Jared, Levi
o   March 20           Letter J Leander, Lily, Colin, Senna
o   March 27                  Spring Break Holiday – no letter of the week
o   April 3                        Letter ZIain, Gavin H., Ahmad, Elaina
o   April 10                     Letter W – Aksel, Yazmine, Josie, Taylor

o   April 17             Non Instruction Day – no letter of the week

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Tuesday, March 7

Our letter 'F' letter work is going well. Continued practice of our letters and letter sounds at home are highly recommended.
Thursday, March 9 is 'Jersey Day'. Your child is welcome to wear their favorite team jersey or favorite color to school.

Friday, March 3, 2017

Friday, March 3

Today, in Whispering Woods we studied the parts of a tree. It was such a beautiful day to enjoy our learning  outside! We labeled a diagram of a tree: roots, trunk, bark, branches and leaves. Everyone, used their letter detective skills, to sound out the first letter sounds of our tree words. As biologists, we learned to label and color our tree pictures realistically. We certainly did not find any 'Bean Stocks' that Jack and his mom planted outside!
Our LGT garden is beginning to sprout. You are more than welcome to come inside the classroom to have a look at our sprouts.
Monday, March 6 - Letter F - Joel, Lawrence, Nicholas, Aiden
Enjoy the weekend!

Google Meet - April 23rd

Hello Room 3, Reminder that we are having small group google meet meetings today, April 23rd. If you log into the Google Classroom, on t...