Monday, April 30, 2018

Monday, May 1

Last friday, we enjoyed an excellent story telling session with Randy Bottle. Many of our students remembered our winter animals and some facts about them!
Wednesday, is Wear a Hat for Mental Health Day.
Thursday, May 3: At 11 AM, we are attending the Grade 3/4 learning celebration. As this sharing time may take more than 20 minutes, you are welcome to pick up your child at 11:30 AM. Otherwise, please send me an email and I will make sure your child is ready for pick-up at 11:20 AM.
I'm away from the school tomorrow morning for a workshop. A substitute teacher will be covering my class for me.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Tuesday, April 24

We will be having an Earth Day Assembly tomorrow at 9:15 in the gym. Parents are welcome. We will also be learning about our solar panel installation!
Volunteer Tea: Thursday, April 26 at 2 pm. Looking forward to seeing everyone there!
This Friday, is our 23rd Fresh Air Friday and we will be going outside.
Family Dance this Friday at 6 pm.

Monday, April 23, 2018

Monday, April 23

Spirit Day and Treat Day Tomorrow - Twin/Triplet Day 

Wednesday, April 25 - Solar Panel Launch Assembly, 9:15 in the gym. Parents are welcome to join us!

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Thursday, April 12 - Supporting Humboldt Broncos

Thank-you for supporting the Humboldt Broncos!

Tomorrow, is our Inglewood Bird Sanctuary Visit.  Please ensure that your child is dressed for the weather!

Monday, April 9, 2018

Monday, April 9

Today, the Simon Fraser student band performed for us. Everyone, was introduced the the band player and their instrument(s), which they played for us.
Beginning tomorrow, for the first 20 minutes of our day, I am planning on introducing
Table Group activities. These group activities will encourage the students to practice math and literacy skills. Additionally, sharing and working together as a small group will be developed further.

Save the Date:
Friday, April 13 - Inglewood Bird Sanctuary - Kindergarten On Site Field Trip
Guided Nature Walk of our very own Whispering Woods and a Seasonal Safari - "Take your class on an indoor safari!  Students will learn about animals, birds and other seasonal creatures by examining objects from nature. This hands-on program will have students exploring feathers, furs, skulls and bones."
Please ensure that your child is dressed for the weather! As this event cannot be rescheduled, we are planning on going outside for at least 45 minutes!

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Thursday, April 5 - Spring Gardening!

Tomorrow, we are going outside to compost our tomato plants that were planted last year! It was an experiment, to find out how long the Tiny Tim Tomatoes, would give us fruit. Last February,  Kindergarten  planted the seeds. when they were seedlings planted our seedlings into a L.G.T. container. Over the summer, they grew and flowered in my garden at home. In September, I trimmed the plants back, replaced some of the soil and fertilized the plants with slow release fertilizer. I returned these plants to school and set them up in our indoor classroom garden. Next thing we knew the plants flowered again and during snack time, we have enjoyed fresh tomatoes!
Tomorrow, if anyone enjoys planting, we could use your assistance!

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Tuesday, April 3 - Welcome Back!

I hope everyone enjoyed a restful and fun Spring Break!
Today, we learned how to draw, print and sound out words that begin with the letter Z.
Our L.G.T. plants are growing and flourishing. This week, we are planning on direct planting our bean seeds. Additionally, I have signed up our class to grow container potatoes. Stay tuned for further details!
Hang in there with our extended, winter weather!

Google Meet - April 23rd

Hello Room 3, Reminder that we are having small group google meet meetings today, April 23rd. If you log into the Google Classroom, on t...