Friday, June 23, 2017

Friday, June 23

Time is just flying by in Kindergarten! Only 2 more days left of school. Hopefully, you received your child's computer work. 'Dance Mat' typing is a great program for practicing keyboard skills. Please continue to visit the 'Mathletics' website for additional practice. There are many wonderful educational websites for you to explore and please, continue to read with your child.
All 'Home Reading Books' are due on Monday, June 26.
Tuesday, June 27 is our last day of Kindergarten. We will be having our Kindergarten Year End Picnic! All families and younger siblings are invited to join us for lunch on the field by the playground. Regular kindergarten hours are still in effect. Our Kindergarten families, are welcome to join us from 10:00 am – 11:20 am to enjoy some outdoor centers and lunch. You are responsible for bringing some lunch items to share, chairs and picnic blankets for your family. Additionally, we will have some extra food to share, so no need to pack a big lunch! We already have cupcakes coming to celebrate our June, July and August birthdays. In the event of inclement weather, this event will be held indoors in the Kindergarten Classroom or Library. Please contact Amy, our Room Parent if you would like to contribute to our class picnic. Please keep in mind our nut, strawberries, Kiwi and fish allergies. 
I will bring some extra picnic blankets.

Thank you!

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

June 14

This week we are working on a very cute cards for Father's Day. Today, I was very impressed with how everyone practiced their writing on mini white boards, journals, and then their good copy in their cards. Everyone worked very hard and we had time for centers!
For our next F.A.F., we are planning on going outside for a scavenger hunt. Weather permitting we will eat our snack outside, and join the rest of the school for recess. Please remember to send a jacket with your child, and a snack that they are able to open independently.
Classroom clean-up begins this Friday, June 16. We rely on our volunteers to assist us in washing, and disinfecting our classroom manipulative and toys. The good news is that we have a new dishwasher in the staff room, that we can use for washing some of our classroom supplies. We still have some volunteer spots available on our volunteer calendar. Alternatively, you can email me to let me know your availability to assist us with our clean-up.
On Monday, June 19 Kindergarten will be visiting the grade 1 and 2 classes for a special art activity. This is will give your child a chance to experience grade one with one of their new teachers. The grade 2 students will visit me, while the current grade 1 students buddy up with the Kindergarten students.
On Wednesday, June 21 from 9 AM to approximately 10:00 AM, Kindergarten is  having a live insect show. This is such a fun and exciting event!
We really do appreciate our volunteers!
Thank-you for your support!

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Tuesday, June Almost Summer!

Next week, we will be taking our learning outside (weather permitting), so on a daily basis please send your c hild dressed for the weather. For our ever changing Calgary weather, Jackets/Hoodies are always important to have at school. In preparation for Grade One, we will have outdoor recess with the rest of the school on the playground. This includes eating our snack outside, so having a snack that your child can open independently is important.  Many of our students are growing and are rather hungry! You are welcome to send in an extra snack.

Monday, June 5, 2017

Monday, June 5

Tomorrow, is 'Bike to School Day'. Please ensure that your child wears a helmet. Bicycle parking is available in the school gym. Prior to lining up at the Kindergarten door, please walk your child's bike through the front doors of the school and 'park' your bike.
Thank-you very much.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

June 1

Yesterday, we enjoyed a fabulous day at the Calgary Zoo! The weather was sunny and everyone enjoyed the bus ride and of course our ice cream treat. Our Kindergarten students looked very studious sketching a butterfly, chrysalis and a plant on their clipboards. Despite the heat, I was so very proud of everyone's ability to follow our schedule. Our parent volunteers, are appreciated and I hope they enjoyed our field trip.
Today, we had a vote for which two animals we would like to adopt at the zoo. Mrs. Polski assisted us in the voting process. Our results are a Penguin and a Tiger. Next week, I will proceed with the adoption process. Hopefully, we will receive our adoption certificate and information cards before the end of June. Additionally, I will give the Kindergarten students a (financial) report about how our plant sale proceeds were spent.
Our Home Reading Program is coming to an end. This week will be our last week for exchanging books. However, if you would like to proceed with your child's home reading for a few more weeks, or over the summer there are other options.  You are more than welcome to continue taking books out of our Kindergarten Home Reading Library. You may come in at lunchtime or after school to exchange the books yourself. However, we do ask that all of our books are returned by Monday, June 19. We will need to wipe them down and store them for the summer. Additionally, our Calgary Public Library has many resources available for your child's reading and enjoyment.

Google Meet - April 23rd

Hello Room 3, Reminder that we are having small group google meet meetings today, April 23rd. If you log into the Google Classroom, on t...