Friday, January 8, 2016

Friday, January 8

Today, we went on our ABC scavenger hunt outside. Afterwards we enjoyed a hot Chocolate with our snack. Many thanks to our classroom volunteers and our school Hot Chocolate volunteers! Letter of the Week Sharing:
Monday, January 11 - Letter D - Bill, Katie, Tessa, Maria
Please check your child's backpacks for your Fun Lunch orders and your Mathletics passwords.
Please return your Fun Lunch orders in either a envelope or Zip Lock bag labelled with your child's name. This assists us with keeping track of everyone's orders. 
For Mathletics, please complete all of the Kindergarten strands before you move on to grade one.
Enjoy the weekend!

Google Meet - April 23rd

Hello Room 3, Reminder that we are having small group google meet meetings today, April 23rd. If you log into the Google Classroom, on t...