Sunday, December 4, 2016

Upcoming Christmas Activities

Letter of the week sharing

o   December 5              Letter E –Iain, Gavin H., Gavin B., Elaina

On Friday, December 9th we will be decorating graham cracker, candy houses. Due to allergies, we are asking each family to send a SMALL, labeled bag of assorted candies, cereal, raisins etc. for your own child to use. Kindergarten will provide the plates, graham crackers and special icing. I will have decorations available to share, such as mini marshmallows (snow), mini candy canes and Smarties.

In Calgary, our fall/winter season has arrived. We would like to remind parents to ensure that their children are dressed appropriately for colder weather.  Warmer jacket, socks, boots, toques and gloves will be necessary to accommodate the upcoming colder temperatures. Please ensure that all of your child’s clothing and footwear is labeled with their name. If we declare it a ‘Blue Day’ where the temperature and wind chill are below -18 degrees C, the Kindergarten students are welcome to wait in the gym for their school day to begin. 

Tuesday, December 13 is our next treat day. Please send 25¢ in with your child to purchase a treat. I do have allergy friendly treats for our students that have food allergies.
On Wednesday, December 14th we are having our Winter Party. On party day, please do not send a snack or drink to school. The students will be provided with a healthy snack, drink and craft activity to enjoy. In addition we are having a Tinsel Day, so please feel free to dress or accessorize in something sparkly!

On Friday, December 16th for our Fresh Air Friday activity, we are planning on a 'Winter Sports Day'. Please ensure that on a daily basis, your child is dressed for the weather. Sometimes, we enjoy our learning outside and we would appreciate it if your child is dressed for all of our weather scenarios.

A very big 'Thank-you' to all of our volunteers who share their time with us in the classroom, making Play Dough and contributing to our special events. You're the best!

Google Meet - April 23rd

Hello Room 3, Reminder that we are having small group google meet meetings today, April 23rd. If you log into the Google Classroom, on t...