Thursday, May 30, 2019

Zoo Field Trip - May 29

A big 'Thank-You!', goes out to our wonderful, zoo field trip volunteers. If you were unable to join us, there will be more field trips to chaperone in grade one.
Today, we sat in a circle, and shared two things that we learned at the zoo. Everyone was asked to speak in a full sentence, and use the word 'and' to link their two ideas. I was impressed with everyone's ideas that they shared about the life cycle of butterflies as well as what they observed about the Gorillas, Komodo Dragons, Pandas, and other animals. There was also a bit of a theme about animal poo, and what Gorillas do about runny noses.😂
Tomorrow, we are going outside for more partner work, to study insects, and to create a habitat for our Butterflies.
Monday, June 3 is our last day for Home Reading book exchange.
Thursday, June 6 - Home Reading Books Returned to school
Wednesday, June 4 - Last Library Book Exchange
Week of June 10 - Please help us to wipe down our Home Reading Books and sort them for next year! You are welcome to  'drop in' to do this, whenever you have time.
Tuesday, June 11 - Return all library books. Please talk to Mrs. Kidd our librarian if you have any questions or concerns.
June 14 to June 24- Please sign up to assist us with disinfecting, and cleaning classroom toys and manipulative's. This is a task that we really, need help with, so that our new Kindergarten children have clean classroom supplies to use in their learning.
Tuesday, June 25 - Last Day of Kindergarten
Please join us for our Kindergarten activities and picnic at 10:00 AM
Please sign up for our events on sign up genius or contact our room parents.


Google Meet - April 23rd

Hello Room 3, Reminder that we are having small group google meet meetings today, April 23rd. If you log into the Google Classroom, on t...