Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Tuesday, September 11 - Paperwork and Terry Fox Run

Thank-you for returning your school paperwork so promptly! We are missing just a few student's paperwork, so please send it in as soon as possible.
Save The Date:
Friday, September 28 - Terry Fox Run - Volunteers with security clearance are welcome to volunteer for this event. Kindergarten will need 2 to 3 volunteers. In order to prepare for our run, Kindergarten will be practicing their running skills around the soccer fields. This week, weather permitting (I know the forecast is not great!), we will begin practicing our outdoor running. Please ensure that your child is dressed for the weather and that they bring a water bottle. Thank-you so much!
Please email me if you are able to volunteer.

Google Meet - April 23rd

Hello Room 3, Reminder that we are having small group google meet meetings today, April 23rd. If you log into the Google Classroom, on t...